Photoshop interface-
Lots of ways to do things
complex program
Menu Bar
single shot- no options in command
dialog command- have … choose attributes
checkmarks turns on and off setting
select tool and do something in image window
Options bar
options to modify settings of currently selected tool
panels- palettes
contains controls for certain aspects of project, color, history, layers
image window
Default panels that should be open
opening images in new project
open in control click
layer transparency, opacity, blending styles
Image Size and its relevance
Image size and resolution# of pixels in imageDPI of imagesize of and dpi of monitormultiply pixels to get megapixelsprint dpi 200 to 300 for good print qualityMaths-image size in pixels divided by dpi gives you max print size
desired print size times dpi gives you pixel size of image you need to make print
Clone stamp
Option-click to set copy point
[ ] to change size of brush
Healing brush
Small area content aware fill, good for skin and fabric
Content aware fill
works best on small objects with organic backgrounds
Beware of creating patterns or repeating too many bits
Selection Tools
Marquee and lasso tool
- most basic selection tools
- click and drag from edge
- Release to let computer connect to meme a shape
modifier keys alter behavior holding keyoption-drag from center
- selection can be clicked and dragged
- constrain to perfect square hold shift
- add to selection hold shift-non contiguous
- alt key subtract from selection
What does a selection mean?
- selection only affects active layer
- Anything outside selection is protected
Refine edge go through process
- Select menu- refine edge, also button
view- show different mask views-use which ever works, try switching views
radius- increase transition areas-PS finds edges
smart radius- PS differentiates between soft/complex and hard-even edges
use show radius button to see transition area
refine using brush buttons and sliders
- Finish with decontaminate colors-helps control bleed
- output to new layer with mask, output to selection to copy and paste normally
make selection
Use fill layer, should automatically make mask
Explain mask in this context
How to move into and out of masks
Blending modes to blend color layers with original image
Adjustment layersnon destructiveadjustments under image menu change the pixels when image is saved
- option-click mask- show b and w layer
- command-click mask- show selection
- with selection on (marching ants) create an adjustment layer, creates layer with mask
- copy paste into new layer
smart object resize without degradation