A monument reminds. Its location, form, site design and inscriptions aid the recall of persons, things, events or values.–In recent decades, counter-monuments have emerged as a new, critical mode of commemorative practice. Even as such practice defines itself by its opposition to traditional monumentality, it has helped to reinvigorate public and professional interest in commemorative activities and landscapes and has developed its own, new conventions.
From—- Counter-monuments: the anti- monumental and the dialogic
In this project you will work in a group to design and build a 3D model of a monument. Your monument must be located on the National Mall in D.C. Your monument will be virtual, so it may contain both realistic and fantastical or physically impossible elements.
What is this a monument to? Event? Person? Object? Situation?
Would this make a plausible real monument, or could it ( and should it) only exist virtually?
What is it made of?
Where is it located? (specifically!)
How does it change as you move around it?
How would the visitor interact, or not interact, with it?
Does it recontextualize the things around it? How different would it be in another location?
Would passers-by recognize your project as a monument?
You are working in a virtual space! Your monument does not have to be safe, obey the laws of gravity, or be real in any sense! Make use of this!
Use the techniques and concepts we have studied so far: ambiguity, form, and space. Resist the temptation to be too direct!
In addition to the actual Sketch Up project file, you will create a series of support materials.
-Series of 5 images that visually describe your project. These can be sketches, screenshots, inspiration images etc.
-2 composite photos showing a rendering of your project on site.
-1 description of your project that includes who, what, why, and where.
These should be uploaded on the Class Miro board as well as your personal Miro sketchbooks
We will go over how to do this in class
Week 1: Project handout, reading handout and group formation (Check Blackboard for the reading, please make at least 3 annotations!)
Week 2: Reading discussion- look at annotations, group research and collection of assets, begin to design.
Week 3: Work Day- generating composite images
Week 4: Thanksgiving
Week 5: Finishing touches, put it all together and exporting
Week 6: Critique
Files should be downloaded form Sketchup in 2019 format. Then place that file in this folder
Onedrive folder for Monument files
The finished works will all be put into a single, navigable space that will work like a video game. An example of the type of space can be found here:
Links and Examples
kehinde wiley
Rumors of war
Niki de Saint Phalle
Carsten Holler
Sol Lewitt
krzysztof wodiczko
Vietnam Veterans Memorial