Creating interesting forms is hard. In order to facilitate innovation and gain experience, artists often generate objects and designs using exercises that place specific rules and limitations on the process of creating. Here you will start with the obvious and move towards the unexpected.
For this project, you will laminate a styrofoam into an 8x8x8 inch cube using spray foam. Once the block has set and dried, you will make six cuts on the block, take the pieces and reassemble them into a sculpture. Your cuts can be arranged anyway you like. The can be singular or you may stack previously cut pieces and cut them again.
Once the pieces are cut, you will use spray adhesive and bamboo skewers to connect the pieces into complex form. Not all the pieces have to be connected!
Your goals on this project are to explore the element of form, both positive and negative and the principles of balance, emphasis and economy. You are looking to create a sculpture that is interesting from all sides, one that draws the viewer around to see how it changes and resolves on the other side. A good non representational sculpture is one where the forms are complex and many layers of structures can be seen. Look for implied connections and relationships between positive and negative forms.
Once the form is complete, you will cover the surface of the work with cement. Here you will be exploring texture. Keep it simple, no more than 2 distinct textures, What will enhance the form?
Check out these sculptures for inspiration. What are the implied shapes and forms. How do the pieces fit together or how do they not?